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Starlight Ceiling

We create a three-dimensional surface composed of glass fiber to lit up a classroom without electricity and analyze the results using the software “HDRScope” by taking 10 different exposure pictures of the physical testing model.

The model is created by Grasshopper and labeled the length of each fiber automatically into AutoCAD to laser cut, and reduce the labor work of assembling the model.


Yunshang Qiu


Powell Huang,

Rio Chen,

Yikuan Lin,

Poen Hsu,

Chunyuan Hu


December 2017


Grasshopper, HDRScope


Laser Cutting

HDR Scope Analization
Simulation 1 - Sunny

LED projection light as direct sunlight

Brightness set to 70

iPhone Flashlight as light source

Simulation 2 - Cloudy A

LED projection light as direct sunlight

Brightness set to 10

iPhone Flashlight as light source

Simulation 3 - Cloudy B

LED projection light as light source

Brightness set to 99

Indoor light as diffuse light

Physical Model Experiment
Digital Fabrication
& Parametric Design
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